What Does Die Cut Mean?

Die cutting is a broad term that you may have heard your label printer and converter throw around quite a bit, especially if you have uniquely shaped packaging or an intricate logo. While you certainly don’t need to be a die cutting expert – that’s what we’re here for – it helps to understand the basics of die cutting so that you know what you may or may not be able to do. Below, we’ll provide a basic overview of the die cutting process, its meaning, as well as some considerations for designing a label with a custom shape.


Growler Tags: Designs, Styles, and Examples

Beer cans and bottles aren’t the only containers that need to look good for your customers. Growler tags play an important dual role; showcasing your brand and providing key information. Hang tags should be treated with just as much love and care as any other beer labeling. As a digital printing business, we have a few ideas of how you can create outstanding hang tags for your growlers.

Where Can I Find a Beer Label Designer?

Even a tasty beer can fail if nobody buys it. The craft beer market is growing rapidly, with global data company Nielsen citing that craft sales are up more than 65 percent in the past five years. If you want a nice slice of that multi-billion-dollar pie, you need to make sure your product stands out in a very competitive crowd.

Your beer label is going to be the first thing shoppers will see, so you need to attract their eyes before you can convince their taste buds to go on a second date. A professional beer label designer can create a label that not only sticks out on shelves, but also allows you to tell a story about the beer that you’ve carefully crafted.


Ohio Brew Week (Cheers!)

It’s that time of year again. The 12th annual Ohio Brew Week is about to commence in Athens, Ohio, and we, at Blue Label Packaging Company, think that’s something to celebrate. Originated as a way to keep businesses afloat during the summer season (when Ohio University students are on break), it has since become a time honored tradition; anticipated by a large (and growing) number of craft beer enthusiasts. From bottle releases, taps, and tastings to live band karaoke and (yes) even square dancing, the town of Athens will be an even bigger party-in-itself than usual, featuring a long list of quality Ohio-only breweries (including some Blue Label customers).


Bottle Labels: A History Lesson

They say not to judge a book by its cover. And that’s fair…where books are concerned. But when weighing one’s options in a beer, wine or spirits purchase, there’s a lot to be said for the bottle labels. Good bottle label design can be very telling in the quality of its contents and there’s a long history that’s led the industry to its current practice.


What Makes Great Label Design?

We sat down with a Columbus packaging designer to talk trends in product label design.


4 Critical Factors for Your E-Juice Label

E-juice labels may seem overwhelming at first, but they’re a lot less intimidating if you can nail down these four crucial details.

8 Steps to Great Label Design: Part 2

A while back, we talked about label design with a quality designer about the secrets behind her process. To add to the expert insight, we recently chatted with Jack Muldowney, a Chicago-based designer listed in our Designer Directory, who was gracious enough to share his thoughts on the subject. Here some of his secrets (eight, to be exact) to creating a great label design:


The Do’s and Don’ts of Custom Beer Labels

We hate to nag, but when it comes to custom beer labels, there are factors to consider. Are we properly representing our brand? Are we giving our product optimum visibility? Do our bottles sing louder than their neighbors? Are we following all the legal requirements? (Yep, those exist.) These simple do’s and don’ts will help you stay on point.


Short Run Labels. Long-Term Relationship.

As we all know, commitment can be intimidating. No one likes being stuck in a bad relationship, and a partnership with the wrong label company is a lot of time and money invested with very little room for moving and shaking. Over time, minds change, budgets shift, and art varies, so flexibility is key. You need a low-cost, low-maintenance printing option with maximum benefits. Short run labels are a forever kind of love, and a major plus in the world of ever-improving products, expanding product lines, and rapidly changing business plans. They save you money. They save you time. And they give you complete control of quality (and quantity).
