Anatomy of a Cannabis Label: Cannabis Labeling Requirements

Cannabis regulation is a complex, so it’s no surprise that navigating cannabis labeling requirements is a tricky process. Noncompliance can lead to penalties ranging from fines and recalls to losing licenses or even your entire business, so proper labeling is a must for any growing cannabis company.

The cannabis industry is subject to a variety of packaging requirements, not to mention the ongoing challenge of creating designs that attract customers. Let’s break down the different parts of a cannabis label and how they impact your packaging and labeling.

Four e-juice bottles that follow proper cannabis labeling requirements.

What is Required on Cannabis Product Labels?

There are a variety of elements that are required on a cannabis label. In general, these elements must be displayed on one of the following parts of your label.

  • Primary label/primary display panel – The product label that is placed in a prominent position on the front or top of a product.
  • Information panel/secondary label – A supplementary label located on the back or sides of a container. This label can either be a separate label or connected to the primary label.

Brand name

What is it? – The name of who made the product. This brand name is typically paired with a brand logo.

Where should it go? – Brand elements are typically located on the primary panel.

Statement of identity

What is it? – A generic indicator of the product, such as gummies, oils, or creams. The statement should clearly identify exactly what your product is for consumers.

Where should it go? – The primary panel.

Net contents

What is it? – A measurement of the net weight of your product. Net contents should be expressed in terms of weight, numerical count, or a combination of the two. Weight should use both metric and U.S. Customary System units and be listed with the words “Net Weight.”

Where should it go? – Net contents should be listed on the bottom 30% of the primary panel and be parallel to the base of the container.

Supplement and nutrition facts

What is it? – Any product intended for consumption requires a facts panel detailing pertinent information. These details include serving sizes, daily value percentages, nutrients, and calories.

Where should it go? – Nutrition facts should be placed on the primary panel. However, it is acceptable to place nutrition facts on any visible alternate label for packages with insufficient area on the primary panel.

Ingredients list or panel

What is it? – Any edible or topical cannabis products should include a list of ingredients used in the product. The ingredient list should name each ingredient in descending order of predominance.

Where should it go? – Ingredients information can be placed on either the primary display panel or the information panel. The FDA also stipulates that the type size for ingredients listings be at least 1/16 inch in height based on the lower case “o,” as well as prominent, conspicuous, and easy to read.

Applicable warnings

What are they? – Cannabis products are generally required to include different visible warnings for consumers. The exact warnings vary by state, but can include the following.

  • Habit forming
  • Impaired abilities
  • Age restrictions
  • Health risks
  • Resale and transfer restrictions
  • Medical use only
  • Not for children
  • Schedule I controlled substance

Where should they go? – The exact placement and type requirements can vary, so check your local laws for specifics.

Manufacturer information

What is it? – The name and contact information of the manufacturer of the product.

Where should it go? – The information panel or any supplemental label.

Amount, strain, and batch or lot number

What are they? – Information detailing how much cannabis is in the product, what strain was used, and the batch or lot number used for testing and tracking cannabis.

Where should they go? – This information should typically be included on the informational label and not on any other form of supplementary label, depending on the state.

Applicable dates

What are they? – The various dates associated with cultivation, manufacturing, sell by, and expiration/best.

Where should they go? – Dates can go on any part of the label not preoccupied with other elements.

“Cannabis infused” statement

What is it? – A description attached to labels for edible products.

Where should it go? – On the primary panel for any products meant to be ingested.

An e-liquid product with an attractive cannabis package design.

Are There Restrictions to Cannabis Package Designs?

In addition to all the various required and optional label elements, cannabis product packaging has to abide by some other rules. The exact rules vary by state, but the following requirements are common for cannabis packaging.

  • Child-resistant packaging – Containers must be difficult for children to open (exact age can vary).
  • Tamper-evident seals – It should be clearly visible if package has been opened prior to sale.
  • Resealing – Packaging with more than one serving should be able to reseal after use.
  • Opaque packaging – Any edible cannabis products must be in an opaque package that doesn’t allow consumers to see the contained product.

There are also special design restrictions that impact the look of your label and overall package. The FDA and other organizations don’t want certain types of businesses marketing products to children. For example, the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent letters to e-juice and e-cigarette companies back in 2018 warning them against using packaging that “cause[s] [products] to resemble kid-friendly food products, such as juice boxes, candy or cookies, some of them with cartoon-like imagery.”

Those same rules apply to cannabis products, although “marketing to children” is unfortunately vague and subjective at times. To start, cannabis labels and containers should resemble any commercially available snack, drinks, or other products – the word “candy” and other versions of that word are completely disallowed. Cannabis packaging also shouldn’t include any cartoons or other imagery that typically appeal to children.

Dress Your Cannabis Products for Success

Between branding and cannabis labeling requirements, investing in quality packaging is both complicated and essential. That’s why Blue Label Packaging Co. strives to simplify your search for the perfect eye-catching labels.

Compliance requirements don’t mean you need to limit your label design possibilities. Our experts work directly with you to identify the perfect label materials, decorations, and other opportunities to enhance your designs and showcase your brand. Contact us today to invest in the perfect labels for you cannabis products.

Hard Cider Label Requirements: Breaking Down TTB Meaning and FDA Regulations

There is a lot more to hard cider labels than your brand and an eye-catching design. Hard cider labeling regulations are not only complicated, but can also vary depending on the strength of your product. Let’s break down the different hard cider label requirements you need to know for your drinks.

Who Regulates Hard Cider Labeling?

It’s essential to follow regulations when labeling hard cider. The tricky part is that it’s not always clear which rules you need to follow.

While you might put hard cider on draught, it isn’t classified as a type of beer. Hard cider is traditionally defined by the TTB as “wine fermented from apples, including apple juice or apple concentrate.” However, the TTB broadened the criteria for hard cider in 2017. These changes expanded the definition to meet the following requirements.

  • Hard cider should be less than (not equal to) 8.5 percent alcohol by volume (abv), up from 7 percent.
  • Hard cider should have a maximum allowable carbonation level of 0.64 grams of carbon dioxide per hundred milliliters of wine, up from 0.392.
  • Hard cider is now allowed to use pears and pear juice concentrate and still receive the hard cider tax rate.

Of course, these changes also impact which governing body oversees different hard ciders. Ciders with an abv under 7 percent are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The remaining hard ciders at or above 7 percent are in turn regulated by the TTB.

A six pack of cans following hard cider label requirements from the TTB.

Hard Cider Label Regulations: What You Need to Include

As you may expect, both the FDA and TTB require a lot of information on their labels. While there are many overlapping regulations, there are some notable differences between hard cider label requirements from the FDA and TTB. The following elements are mandatory pieces of information that are required by the FDA, the TTB, or both organizations.

  • Brand name
  • Name and address of the bottler
  • Class, type or other designation
  • Net contents
  • Alcohol content
  • Ingredient, nutrition, and allergen listings
  • Government Health Warning
  • Various declarations

These elements also have specific requirements for how they’re presented as well. Aside from the alcohol content statement and government health warning, all mandatory information uses the following guidelines for minimum type size.

  • If the container size is 187 milliliters or less, type must be at least 1 millimeter.
  • If the container size is more than 187 milliliters, type must be at least 2 millimeters.

Brand name (FDA and TTB)

The brand name is defined as the name under which you sell your hard ciders. This element is typically the most notable detail on your label, although you may highlight other aspects of your design. If you don’t have a brand name for your products, you should display the name of the bottler or importer in its place.

Name and address of the bottler (FDA and TTB)

The exact rules for this element differ slightly. Both the FDA and TTB require an address including city and state, but has different rules for the bottler.

  • FDA – Labels must include the name and address of the premises where the cider was bottled or packed.
  • TTB – Labels must include the name and address the bottler or importer as listed on the TTB permit. This name must also be preceded by the words “Bottled/Packed by” or “Imported by,” or some qualifying optional statement.

Class, type, or other designation (TTB only)

Any hard cider that is at least 7 percent abv must include a statement of identity. By definition, hard ciders are considered “fruit wine,” but you can simply label your type as “cider” or “hard cider” if your product meets the following criteria.

  • Produced by the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of sound, ripe apples.
  • Derived wholly (except sugar, water, or added alcohol) from apples.

Net contents (FDA and TTB)

Simply put, hard cider labels must display how much product is in a container. The FDA allows this statement to be listed on any product label. You can also opt to etch or blow the net contents into the container itself.

The TTB is a little more particular about the exact presentation of net contents. As with FDA labeling regulations, net contents can be etched, blown, or displayed on a label. The key difference is that hard ciders of at least 7 percent abv must use the authorized metric standards of fill as listed in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (27 CFR 4.72). You also can choose to use any of the following abbreviations:

  • Milliliters – ml, ML, mL
  • Liters – L

Alcohol content (FDA and TTB)

The FDA and TTB both require specific statements for total alcohol content and acceptable tolerances. For the FDA, hard cider should state alcohol content as percent by volume and must be within 0.75 percent of what is listed on the label. Meanwhile, the TTB allows for a tolerance of 1.5 percent and mandates that you use one of the following statements to present alcohol content.

  • Alcohol __% by volume
  • Alcohol __% to __% by volume (see part 4 for rules)
  • May use “Alc.” and “Vol.” or “Alc” and “Vol”
  • May replace “by” with “/”
  • May NOT use “ABV”

Alcohol content is also one of the elements that follow different type size requirements than the majority of details. The exact rules for type size depend on the size of your container. If the container size is 5 liters or less, you must use a type of 1 millimeter at minimum and 3 millimeters maximum.

Ingredient, nutrition, and allergen listings (FDA)

As an FDA-regulated product, any hard ciders of less than 7 percent abv must include an ingredients list, nutritional facts, and any possible allergens. The FDA’s Food Labeling Guide offers guidelines for the following mandatory elements.

  • Ingredients – Every ingredient included in your hard cider in descending order of predominance.
  • Nutritional facts – A detailed breakdown about your hard cider’s nutrient content that follows the formatting requirements (21 CFR 101.9(d)).
  • Allergens – Call outs if your hard cider includes any of the major food allergens.

Government health warning (FDA and TTB)

As long as your hard cider contains at least 0.5 percent abv, your label must include a warning. This warning is the same for both the FDA and TTB and must read as follows.

  • GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.

This warning can appear on any label as long it remains separate and apart from all other information. The warning should also follow the following type guidelines.

  • Minimum 3 mm for containers larger than 3 liters (101 fl. oz.)
    • No more than 12 characters per inch
  • Minimum 2 mm for containers larger than 237 ml (8 fl. oz.) to 3 liters (101 fl. oz.)
    • No more than 25 characters per inch
  • Minimum 1 mm for containers of 237 ml (8 fl. oz.) or less
    • No more than 40 characters per inch

Specific ingredient declarations (TTB only)

Any wines, hard ciders included, regulated by the TTB must call out certain ingredients if they’re present in the product. As such, you’ll need to disclose that your hard cider contains any or all of the following ingredients if they apply.

  • FD&C Yellow No. 5
  • Cochineal extract or carmine
  • Sulfites (if your cider contains 10 ppm or more sulfur dioxide)

A hard cider bottle with a quality label made with FDA label regulations.

Which Hard Ciders Require a COLA?

The label approval process is another confusing aspect of hard cider label requirements. The FDA does not require pre-approval. Meanwhile, the TTB requires beers, wines, and spirits to apply for and receive a Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) before those products ever hit the market. As such, any hard ciders regulated by the TTB must acquire a COLA before they are packaged and shipped across state lines.

The good news is that it’s fairly simple to apply for a COLA. Breweries can use the COLAs Online Customer Page to register and submit an online application. As long as the TTB finds that you’ve followed all the rules, your label will be good to go.

There is one other alternative to needing a COLA. If you don’t plan to introduce your hard ciders into interstate or foreign commerce, you can apply for a certificate of exemption through TTB Form 5100.31. This exemption will show that your hard cider is exempt from the FAA Act. You will also need to add the following statement to your label.

  • “For sale in (name of state where bottled) only”

Don’t Let Hard Cider Regulations Detract from Your Products

Let’s face it, TTB and FDA regulations aren’t the most exciting part of your label. The need for key information shouldn’t detract from the appeal of your hard ciders. That’s why Blue Label Packaging Co. works directly with you to print stunning hard cider labels that showcase the quality of your product.

Every label needs to make a great first impression. Our experts work with you to enhance your label design through special materials and eye-catching decorations. We also provide pivotal print protection to prevent premature failure. Contact us today to invest in hard cider labels that help you tell your brand’s story.

Hard Seltzer Labels: Breaking Down Potential Labeling Regulations

Following alcohol labeling regulations is already a tricky process. It gets even more complicated when you’re unsure which organization oversees the packaging requirements for your product.

Hard seltzers are an increasingly popular beverage for people across North America, but there are some potential problems when it comes to packaging these products. Namely, some hard seltzers fall under different regulatory guidelines than others. Let’s break down exactly why hard seltzers can follow different regulations and what those regulations are.

A collection of cans with hard seltzer labels that follow TTB label requirements.

Does Hard Seltzer Follow TTB or FDA Label Regulations?

The key to identifying which labeling guidelines apply to your hard seltzer depends on how the product is made. While the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) largely oversees labeling requirements for alcoholic beverages, there are some exceptions that fall within FDA jurisdiction: wines that contain less than seven percent alcohol by volume and beers that aren’t made from malted barley and hops.

What that means for hard seltzer labels is that the base of the beverages will dictate what specific regulations are followed. According to the TTB, hard seltzers made with either malt or sugar bases are considered “beer” products. This means that hard seltzers must follow federal beer laws and should display the following:

  • The name or trade name of the brewer
  • The net contents of the bottle
  • The nature of the product (ex. “beer” or “hard seltzer”)
  • The place of production
  • A health warning statement

However, those are not the only labeling requirements for hard seltzers. Malt-based hard seltzers are defined as “malt beverages.” As such, all hard seltzers must follow federal beer rules and additional TTB labeling laws. Meanwhile, sugar-based hard seltzers must instead follow certain FDA labeling rules.

The Differences Between TTB and FDA Regulations for Hard Seltzer Labels

In addition to the federal beer labeling rules, there are other rules that both malt and sugar-based hard seltzers must follow. Both types of hard seltzers must submit a Brewer’s Notice application with the TTB to qualify for production. Furthermore, the TTB must approve the product formula. However, there are some specific TTB and FDA regulations that apply to the different types of hard seltzers.

TTB label requirements for hard seltzers

There are several key elements that the TTB requires for any malt beverage label. Some of these elements are already required by federal beer laws, but the TTB adds on some additional items such as additional rules for class and type designations and disclosures for specific ingredients. The TTB also has specific rules for how each element should be displayed on malt beverage labels. For a detailed breakdown of these requirements, check out our post on TTB label requirements.

Another major difference for malt beverages is the need for a Certificate of Label Approval/Exemption (COLA). The TTB reviews every COLA whether it’s for a new product or if you make changes to your label. Malt-based hard seltzers will need the TTB to approve this COLA before you can sell your products.

FDA label requirements for hard seltzers

Typically, alcohol labels don’t have to disclose ingredients or nutritional information (although it is optional to do so). However, the FDA generally requires food and beverage products to include a nutrition facts panel and ingredients statement on labels. This mandate holds true for alcoholic products that happen to fall under FDA jurisdiction. As such, sugar-based hard seltzers must follow proper nutrition facts panel and ingredients statement protocol as found the FDA’s Food Labeling Guide.

Another big difference between the FDA and TTB is that the FDA doesn’t have a pre-market approval process. While this may sound like a more attractive scenario than submitting a COLA, no pre-approval can open hard seltzer labels up for potential penalties. The FDA will still review and pursue agency action if they discover any labeling issues, so you’ll need to make sure that your packaging is completely compliant before you go to market.

Don’t Skimp on Style for Your Hard Seltzer Labels

Whether your hard seltzers fall under TTB or FDA alcohol regulations, it’s important to make sure your packaging is compliant with existing standards. It’s also critical that your labels do all they can to impress potential customers.

When you need show-stopping hard seltzer labels, Blue Label Packaging can help. Our experts can help you bring your stunning designs to life, find cost-effective solutions that showcase the quality of your products. Contact us today to invest in the perfect labels for your hard seltzers.

TTB Final Rule Breakdown: The New TTB Label Requirements for Alcohol Labels

Over time, alcohol regulations are bound to change. That’s why it’s critical to keep up to date with new changes to alcohol labeling laws, such as the latest final rule from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).

After more than a year of deliberation, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) published its changes to alcohol labeling requirements and advertising regulations in April of 2020. The TTB weighed several ideas from the 2018 Proposal, accepting several recommendations after reviewing comments from industry members and the public.

TTB Final Rule: What Changed?

In general, the new TTB label requirements and alcohol regulations aim to modernize labeling and advertising regulations. These changes are designed to streamline processes and provide extra flexibility for alcoholic products. The resulting final rule documents several regulatory changes and even discusses proposals that weren’t adopted.

In short, it’s a long read. The changes range from notable updates to minor tweaks that may not affect the majority of alcohol labels. To help, we broke down some of the changes for alcohol label requirements that can have a direct impact on the way you label alcoholic products.

A six-pack of beer with holographic labels.

Mandatory label information placement for distilled spirits

Before the final rule went into effect, distilled spirits were required to list mandatory information on a “brand label,” also known as the principal display panel. This term applied to the label that is “most likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or examined under normal retail display conditions” per TTB guidelines. This mandatory information includes:

  • Brand name
  • Class and type of distilled spirit
  • Alcohol content
  • Net contents (for containers that do not meet a standard of fill)

In the new final rule, the TTB gave distillers more freedom in terms of mandatory information placement. You can now include mandatory information anywhere on a distilled spirit container. The only catch is that all the mandatory information must be placed in the same field of vision, which can differ depending on bottle shape:

  • A single side of a container for containers with flat sides
  • 40 percent of the circumference for cylindrical containers

Standard of identity for vodka

Congratulations, vodka makers. The TTB no longer requires vodka to be “without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.” As such, you may now feel comfortable classifying your products as vodka even if your product features some different base ingredients, flavors, or flavor profiles that previously landed you in trouble with the TTB.

Recognition of mezcal and addition of agave spirits class

In the past, the TTB only provided a standard for tequila. The final rule institutes a brand-new class called “agave spirits.” This new class contains two different types of spirits: the aforementioned “Tequila” and the addition of “mezcal.” By definition, the fermented mash for agave spirits should meet the following criteria:

  • At least 51 percent of the mash is derived from plant species in the genus Agave.
  • Up to 49 percent of the mash is derived from sugar.
  • The spirit is distilled at less than 95 percent alcohol by volume and bottled at or above 40 percent alcohol by volume.

The exciting part of this rule is that the TTB now lists mezcal as an official type of alcohol. Accordingly, agave spirits are an official class that includes mezcal and tequila. These changes now allow distilleries to label their products appropriately. The TTB also notes that labels previously approved as “spirits distilled from agave” can designate their products as “agave spirits” if they choose.

Country of origin labeling

The TTB took steps to defer to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for rules on country of origin labeling. In the past, the TTB required a country of origin statement on distilled spirits labels, but not for imported wine or malt beverages. The final rule followed CBP regulations that all imported alcoholic beverages should display their country of origin. As such, make sure to add those statements for any imported wines or malt beverages in the future.

A closeup of a spirits label complying with changes from the latest TTB final rule.

New definition and approval process for personalized labels

With the final rule, there is now an approval process for any importers or bottlers who wish to customize existing labels in order to personalize them. The final rule defines personalized labels as “an alcohol beverage label that meets the minimum mandatory label requirements and is customized for customers.” Essentially, that’s any alcoholic product that’s specific to a consumer purchasing that product.

This new allowance provides breweries, wineries, and distilleries with an official process to produce personalized products for weddings, birthdays, or other commemorative events. Interested parties can submit a personalized label template during COLA approval. This template should note any elements eligible for customization. This can include:

  • Personalized messages
  • Pictures or artwork
  • Salutations
  • Names
  • Congratulatory dates
  • Event dates

As long as the application meets other TTB regulations, the organization will issue you a COLA and a special qualification for personalization. This qualification allows you to add or change items for personalized versions of that label without applying for a new COLA. You can also opt to obtain a COLA for each individual personalization if you prefer – just make sure to avoid common COLA issues.

Clarification on alcoholic beverages not subject to the FAA Act

The TTB made efforts to list certain alcoholic beverages that are not subject to TTB labeling regulation. These efforts include clarifying certain beverages that don’t qualify as wine or malt beverages under the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act. These beverages include:

  • Wine that is under 7 percent alcohol by volume
    • Wine under this category now subject the FDA labeling regulations
  • Beer made without any malted barley
    • Beer under this category now subject to either FDA or IRC regulations depending on alcohol content

The TTB also stressed that there are no distilled spirits that are subject to FDA labeling regulations instead of TTB rules. However, the TTB amended the definition of “distilled spirits” in a separate portion of the final rule. This change continues longstanding TTB policy that any products with less than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume aren’t regulated as “distilled spirits” under the FAA Act.

A collection of wine bottles with labels that meet TTB requirements.

Added tolerance for distilled spirits alcohol statements

The TTB gave distilleries a bit more wiggle room in terms of alcohol content statements. The final rule increased to tolerance up to plus or minus 0.3 percentage points for alcohol contents on distilled spirits labels.

Removal of age statement prohibition for distilled spirits

While the TTB initially proposed that only time spent in the initial oak barrel should count toward the “age” of a distilled spirit, the organization changed course after receiving industry feedback. The TTB now agrees that all the time spent in all oak containers should count towards a label’s age statement.

In addition, the final rule expanded the classes and types of distilled spirits that can make age statements of labels. The TTB acknowledged that other alcoholic products may benefit from such a statement. All distilled spirits may include prohibition of age statements, except for neutral spirits that aren’t deemed grain spirits.

Removal of prohibition of strength terms for malt beverages

In the past, the TTB prohibited malt beverages from making claims of drink strength. That meant any of the following terms were off-limits for labeling purposes unless expressly allowed by state law:

  • Strong
  • Full strength
  • Extra strength
  • High test
  • High proof
  • Pre-war strength
  • Full oldtime alcoholic strength
  • Usage of numerals, letters, characters, or figures that can be construed as alcohol statements

The final rule effectively ends the prohibition of these terms. Language like “strong” and “full strength” are now allowable as indications of alcohol strength on malt beverage labels. However, the TTB can still block labels that make any false or misleading claims in the future.

Removal of citrus wine class

While the TTB initially created the citrus wine class to streamline regulations, the opposite was true. The standards of identity for both citrus wine the overall fruit wine class are largely the same. The TTB accordingly found the separation of the classes unnecessary and removed the citrus wine class in the final rule. This change means that if you were using citrus wine as a statement of identity, it’s time to switch to fruit wine for your labels.

Allowance for vintage dates on wine imported in bulk

In the past, The TTB only allowed imported wine to bear a vintage date if it’s imported in containers of five liters or less. The final rule offers added labeling flexibility for these situations. As long as the bottler provides appropriate documentation to substantiate a vintage date, it does not matter if the bulk container used to import the wine does not bear a date.

New Rules, Same Dedication to Stunning Alcohol Labels

As alcohol label laws inevitably change, so too must the labels themselves. Bottle labels and can labels play a critical part in attracting new and repeat customers. As such, it’s essential to find the right label printing company to ensure that your beer, wine, and spirits labels are perfect for your products.

At Blue Label, we have the digital printing technology and expertise one hand to help you get the most out of your alcohol labels. We work with you to enhance your design and address potential issues ahead of time to maximize your investment. In the end, we can deliver stunning, eye-catching labels that are perfect for your products and your budget. Contact us today to have Blue Label provide the right labels for your products.

Hand Sanitizer Labels: Keep Your Labels FDA Compliant and Your Costs Down

⚞ The Highlights:

  • Make sure your hand sanitizer label includes every required element like the proper active ingredient details, concentration levels, and all necessary warnings
  • Follow FDA guidelines on text size, layout, and formatting so your usage directions and warnings are clear and easily readable
  • Check your final design for common compliance issues like missing ingredient lists or incorrect percentages to avoid any regulatory hiccups

With hand sanitizer at a premium, it’s important to have resources to not only follow regulatory guidelines, but also follow the best, most cost-effective way to label these products. To help, we’ve put together a breakdown of must-follow FDA guidelines and some tips to help you keep your hand sanitizer labeling costs down.

Hand Sanitizer Label and FDA OTC Drug Labeling Requirements

For such a simple product, hand sanitizer label compliance can get tricky. While not a drug in the traditional sense, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does classify hand sanitizers as an over the counter (OTC) drug product. This designation means that you’ll need to follow plenty of regulations to keep your hands clean of any label violations.

The FDA’s general labeling requirements for OTC drugs specify not only what information must be included on hand sanitizer labels, but also how that information should be presented on the principal display panel, drug facts panel, and other spaces. As such, it’s important to follow the rules laid out in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for the following aspects of your hand sanitizer labels:

  • Business information
  • Principal display panel
  • Drug facts panel

Business information

Every hand sanitizer label needs to include the name and business address of the distributor, packer, or manufacturer of your product on an information panel. While not required, it’s common for hand sanitizers to include the business name on the front panel for branding purposes.

Principal display panel

The principal display panel (PDP) is the part of a label that will typically be presented or examined when on display for sale. The CFR stipulates that the PDP should be large enough to include all the mandatory label information without obscuring any required details. Hand sanitizers with alternate principal display panels must duplicate mandatory information on each panel. In terms of the size of the principal display panel, the CFR provides varying requirements depending on the container used for the hand sanitizer.

  • PDPs must cover at least 40 percent of the product of the height of the container times the circumference for cylindrical or nearly cylindrical containers
  • PDPs must make up one entire side for rectangular containers
  • PDPs will consist of the entire top surface if the container presents an obvious “principal display panel” such as the top of a triangular or circular package
  • PDPs must cover at least 40 percent of the container for any other shapes

In addition to sizing, the CFR also provides details on which information must be included on a PDP. For hand sanitizers, that includes a statement of identification and the product’s net contents.

Statement of identification

The CFR requires the PDP to clearly state what your product is. In this case, the panel should simply include the term “hand sanitizer.”

Net contents

Another important PDP detail is the net weight of your product in milliliters (you may also include fluid ounces as well). The CFR allows the use of common or decimal fractions (although the fraction may not extend past two places). The net contents declaration must appear as a distinct item on the PDP and follow the following rules:

  • Net contents should maintain at least a space equal to the height of the lettering used in the declaration from other PDP elements above or below the declaration
  • Net contents should maintain at least a space equal to twice the width of the letter “N” of the style of type used in the quantity of contents for any elements appearing to the left or right of the declaration
  • Net contents should appear within the bottom 30 percent of the PDP in lines generally parallel to the base of the container (PDPs that are five square inches or less do not need to follow this stipulation)

Drug facts panel

While the PDP is applied to the front-facing part of your hand sanitizer container, the drug facts panel is typically attached to the back of your packaging. If your hand sanitizers are packaged within a container or a wrapper, the drug facts panel information must appear on the outside of your retail package as well. Company names or product trade names are not allowed anywhere within the drug facts panel.

While you have some wiggle room in the overall label design of your PDP and other parts of your label, the FDA is very strict about the drug facts panel layout and how the information within it is presented. According to the FDA, the drug fact panel information “must be organized according to the following headings and must be presented in the following order”:

  1. Title (i.e. “Drug Facts”)
  2. Active ingredient(s)
  3. Purpose(s)
  4. Use(s)
  5. Warning(s)
  6. Directions
  7. Other information
  8. Inactive ingredients
  9. Questions or comments? (optional)

While each of these elements have varying purposes, each of them must follow the FDA’s column format guidelines for OTC drug products:

  • Panel text should be one single color on a contrasting background (black text on white is a general go-to combination).
  • Each element of the drug facts panel must be “legible and clearly presented, shall have at least 0.5-point leading (i.e., space between two lines of text), and shall not have letters that touch.”
  • All elements should be left-justified unless otherwise noted.
  • Each section should be separated by a distinctive horizontal barline that extends to each end of the panel (except for when otherwise noted).
  • A horizontal hairline that extends within two spaces of either side of the panel should precede any heading following the title.

An FDA example of this format can be seen below.

The FDA template for drug facts panels on hand sanitizers and other OTC drugs.

Aside from the main drug facts title, all headings, subheadings, and other information in sections two through nine must be printed in a single, clear, easy-to-read type style with no more than 39 characters per inch. Titles and headings should be done in bold italic, while subheadings are just bolded. Meanwhile, type sizes should be:

  • Headings in sections 2 through 9 should be at least 8-point type and at least two point sizes greater than the text size
  • Subheadings and all other information should be no smaller than 6-point type


Every drug facts panel must read “Drug Facts” at the top with the first letter of both words capitalized. If your drug fact information appears on more than one panel, every subsequent panel must display “Drug Facts (continued)” at the top of every panel containing such information. In terms of type size, the letter height or type size should be larger than the largest type size used elsewhere in the drug facts panel labeling and no smaller than 8-point type.

Active Ingredients and Purposes

While most drug facts panel sections are separate, the FDA requires you to list both active ingredients and their purposes not only in the same area, but also on the same horizontal line. This is done so that consumers can readily associate the active ingredients for an OTC drug with their intended purposes. The active ingredients are left-justified, while the aligned purposes are right justified.

While some OTC drugs would need to list discrete dosage units, hand sanitizers instead are asked to list a proportion of the active ingredient. For example, “Alcohol 80% v/v” would be an acceptable presentation for FDA guidelines, while “antiseptic” is an appropriate listed purpose for said active ingredient.


While the FDA is very specific about several elements of the drug facts panel, the requirements for the uses section is mercifully simple – just indicate what the product is used for. One FDA document shared the following as an example use for hand sanitizers: “Hand sanitizer to help reduce bacteria that potentially can cause disease. For use when soap and water are not available.”


All OTC drug products are required to include a list of warnings, all of which are listed in detail in CFR section §201.66. Each warning should be separated by horizontal hairlines used to separate titles and subheads.

As you may expect, there are a lot of potential warnings for OTC drug products. Fortunately, you only need to include the alerts that apply to your product of choice. For hand sanitizer labels, that means adding some version of the following warnings.

  • External use warning – Necessary for drug products not intended for ingestion. Should be presented in bold lettering, such as “For external use only.
  • Flammability warning – Labels should contain the appropriate flammability signal word(s) in bold, followed by an appropriate warning. For the purposes of hand sanitizer, the FDA suggests “Flammable. Keep away from fire or flame.”
  • “Do not use” warning – Include a list of specific situations in which consumers should not use the product (unless permitted by a doctor). Start the warning with “Do not use” and follow with bullet points for multiple disallowed situations. For hand sanitizer, the FDA cites use on “open skin wounds” and “in children less than 2 months of age” as appropriate warnings.
  • “When using this product” warning – Add guidelines for what users should avoid when using your product after the initial wording in bold type, along with some guidelines if an incident occurs. The FDA uses the following example for hand sanitizers: “When using this product keep out of eyes, ears, and mouth. In case of contact with eyes, rinse eyes thoroughly with water.”
  • “Stop use and ask a doctor” warning – Let users know when they should stop using your product following specific poor reactions or other adverse effects. As with the other warnings, the initial words of the warning should be in bold type. The FDA uses the following as an example: “Stop use and ask a doctor if irritation or rash occurs. These may be signs of a serious condition.”
  • “Keep out of reach” warning – Add a warning to keep products out of the reach of children along with guidelines on what to do during an accident. The specific guidelines change depending on the nature of your product. Since hand sanitizers are topical and not intended for ingestion, the FDA recommends the following warning with bolded text: “Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.”

Directions for use

Every OTC drug product should include instructions on when and how to use said product. The header of this section should read “Directions” followed by bullet point steps for use. The FDA uses the following steps in its hand sanitizer examples:

  • Place enough product on hands to cover all surfaces. Rub hands together until dry.
  • Supervise children under 6 years of age when using this product to avoid swallowing.

Other information

This section is reserved as a space to share any other pertinent info that isn’t already stated elsewhere on the drug facts panel. For hand sanitizers, this essentially means listing out appropriate storage details for your product. You can also include a tamper-evident statement if applicable.

Inactive ingredients

This section includes a list of all the inactive ingredients used in your product. These ingredients should be listed in alphabetical order by their established names.

FDA compliant hand sanitizer labels from Maplewood Brewery & Distillery.

Tips to Keep Hand Sanitizer Label Costs Down

Once your hand sanitizer is ready, it’s time to bottle and label it. Of course, packaging affects your bottom line, especially if you’re providing hand sanitizer at cost or giving it away to medical personnel, first responders, and people in need. Here’s what you can do to save on your hand sanitizer labels.

Opt for simple, cost-effective materials

There are a lot of label materials available for different aesthetics. However, fancy wine stocks or other options aren’t necessary if you’re looking for something simple and durable.

Since hand sanitizer is a product that’s used frequently, it’s best to choose a label material that is waterproof and oil-resistant. For cost-effective hand sanitizer labels, a white biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) material with a matte laminate will do the trick. If you don’t want a classic white, a material with the same adhesive is available in clear or silver with either gloss or matte laminates.

In addition to color, you’ll also want to figure out which material works with your specific container. While the aforementioned BOPP would work out well for a small, rigid bottle, a squeeze bottle or a larger container might create problems. For these types of hand sanitizer containers, we could use an MDO material to accommodate for size and needed durability.

Limit the size of your label

You don’t need a big product label to make a big impact. Opting for a smaller label will help cut down on the total amount of material necessary and overall costs.

You’ll want to base your label size off your container of choice – one label size might be right for a small squeeze bottle, but not for a larger glass one. As with label materials, we can work with you to identify a label size that works with your exact container without adding too much to your overall cost.

Use black ink

When you want simple, cost-effective labels, black and white is a good way to go. A simple black ink will cut out added costs associated with multiple inks or color matching, giving you more bang for your buck if you’re aiming for simplicity.

Print Custom Hand Sanitizer Labels

If you’re in need of hand sanitizer labels, we’re here to help. Our HP Indigo digital printing presses provide us with the ability to run labels in small batches and provide turnaround times of just five business days from order approval, all at cost-effective prices.

Contact us today if you have any questions about and our team can be a resource to provide answers and support your project.

4 Common Mistakes for CBD Labels

According to Forbes, the CBD market could reach $20 billion by 2024, which is great news for people in the cannabis market. However, that rise also invites more competition.

As the CBD market grows, more products will flood the market. This growth means that your CBD your products need to stand out from the rest of your competitors. That’s where a good CBD label can help. Proper packaging can be the difference from your product being just another item on the shelf or a big success. However, it’s easy to make a few notable label mistakes during the process. Here are four issues you should avoid for your CBD labels.

Some CBD Labels Don’t Include Legally Required Information

What’s tricky for CBD labels is that the federal government isn’t quite clear about the exact guidelines for these types of products. However, it’s a good idea to list out the following details to provide your audience with the right information.

  • The amount of active CBD per serving
  • A supplement fact panel that includes all ingredients
  • Net weight
  • The manufacturer or distributor name
  • Whether the CBD used is full spectrum, broad spectrum, or an isolate
  • A batch or date code
  • The suggested product use

Of course, there may be more to your labeling requirements than just that. CBD products may require some other information depending on how you classify the product. For example, a food product needs to follow the the regulations found in the FDA Food Labeling Guide. However, a healthy and beauty product needs to adhere to the FDA’s rules on cosmetic labeling. Once you take note of how your product is classified, you can then apply those labeling guidelines to your product in addition to including general compliance information for CBD.

Certain CBD Labels Deal with Font Issues

It’s hard to get your product’s message across when there’s something wrong with the type on your CBD labels. Text and font issues can prove problematic for any product. For CBD labels, a wrong font can not only muddle the look of your label, it can also land you into some compliance trouble.

When you deal with labeling requirements set by the FDA or some other administration, there are occasions where you need to use a certain font size or style. These rules are in place to ensure that certain details are easily read, so it’s best to abide by them. However, they may not be as simple as following a set font size.

For example, the FDA requires labels to use “a print or type size that is prominent, conspicuous and easy to read” for information panels. Seems simple right? Just wait, there’s more! The labeling guide also states that labels should “use letters that are at least one sixteenth (1/16) inch in height based on the lower case letter ‘o,’” except in the case of “very small food packages as discussed in 21 CFR 101.2(c) & (f).” Finding the exact type rules for your exact product may require some digging, but it’s still preferable to having a federal organization confiscate your products and fine you for improper labeling.

There are also occasions when the type used isn’t necessarily a legal issue, but does pose some design issues. This problem is especially true for CBD products sold in small containers that only provide a few inches of labeling space. At this point, you’ll need to balance both compliance and design to find a typography compromise [link to new typography tips post when it’s live] that showcases your brand without coming off as busy or boring. Take the label from Limitless CBD pictured below as an example. Despite not having much space to work with, Limitless’ design establishes a clear identity with legible text, all while meeting regulations.

Two Limitless CBD labels for premium CBD hemp packaging.

Other CBD Labels Get Caught Making Health Claims

There may be a lot of studies that suggest that CBD has significant health benefits, but there isn’t enough existing information to convince the FDA of them. The amount of documented information required makes it tricky to legally make a health claim on a label for any product. For CBD products, it’s nearly impossible.

As of now, the FDA’s stance is that “there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety, and quality of products containing CBD.” This position means that federal law does not recognize CBD as a dietary supplement or as a substance that can help prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure serious diseases. The only exception to this is a single prescription CBD product that has been approved to treat rare forms of epilepsy.

Aside from that very specific breakthrough, the FDA will crack down on CBD labels that make health claims about cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or any other conditions. As such, it’s best to avoid these claims altogether on your packaging if you want to avoid potential legal intervention.

However, the potential dangers of health claims doesn’t mean that you can’t highlight other beneficial features. For example, it’s completely fine to state that your product is organic, GMO free, or something similar as long as your product meets the legal guidelines for such terms, such as the label for Ritual’s Nighttime Tincture pictured below.

Ritual CBD tincture featuring a label with an organic claim.

They Showcase CBD Too Much

As we mentioned eariler, the CBD market is booming at the moment. This has led to scores of new consumers trying to find the appropriate CBD product for them. That increase in potential customers is great if your product meets their needs. However, you have to be careful that your consumers see you as more than just another CBD product.

While a big ol’ “CBD” on the front of your product may attract the random customer, there’s something to be said for subtlety. If a consumer only knows you as “that CBD product I use,” what’s to prevent them from seeing you as interchangeable if a bigger, shinier CBD product emerges? Instead, it’s important to focus on designing your CBD label to focus on your brand and developing a relationship with your intended audience. This way you become a name to them, and it’s easier to create brand loyalty if they remember you as “ABC CBD” than “that green bottle that says CBD on it.”

CBD Social is a great example of establishing an identity that goes beyond the use of CBD. The label pictured below places the emphasis on why the product matter to consumers – extreme relief is awful enticing for someone dealing with pain – and uses CBD to supplement that message in an eye-catching design.

A trio of eye-catching CBD labels made for CBD Social products.

Invest in Professional CBD Labels for Your Products

In a fight for CBD supremacy, the products with the best labels have a massive edge. This is why investing in professionally made, custom product labels can help give your product the boost it needs to tell your story and build a loyal customer base.

At Blue Label, we have the digital printing technology and expertise necessary to create stunning CBD labels for your products. We work with you to determine the best materials and printing capabilities required to meet your performance and budgetary needs without sacrificing on style. If you need one, we can even refer you to our designer directory to find a professional who can balance the creative and legal aspects of your label design.

In a booming market, your CBD products deserve to look as good as they possibly can. Contact us today to talk to us about printing custom CBD labels for your products.

Bottle Labels for Essential Oils: What You Need to Know

The essential oil business is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the U.S. While that means there’s plenty of opportunity, it also means that there’s quite a bit of competition. That’s why it’s important to make sure your essential oil packaging makes a good first impression.

Of course, not just any essential oil labels will do. Not only do you need to make sure your labels look great, you also need to consider a few potential issues. From selecting waterproof labels that can stand up to the oil-based ingredients inside to making sure all labeling requirements are met to creating an eye-catching design, we break down a few considerations for investing in new bottle labels for your essential oils.

Fit Your Label to Your Bottle Size

Bottles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Whether you distribute 5 ml roller bottles, 8 oz. bottles, or any size in between, you want to make sure that your label fits well on your container.

When it comes to proper label sizing, you should consider more than just how much your container can hold. You also need to plan for the specific dimensions of your bottles. Tall, thin bottles and short, wide bottles are going to require different label shapes, regardless of if they contain the same net quantity of essential oils.

The same label size won’t work for every container, but there’s an easy trick to give you a good idea of the right label measurements for your essential oil bottles. Cut a rectangular piece of paper and wrap it around your bottle. If it’s too big in either direction, trim it down until it fits, then measure your piece of paper. This will give you an approximation of the right dimensions when it comes time to ordering labels for your products.

Another important note about label sizing is that essential oil bottles can be rather small compared to packaging for other products. This means you’ll need to plan your design in a way that both fits the space allowed on your label and differentiates your products from your competition.

You will also need to use an aggressive adhesive. The small circumference of the container makes the label want to ‘pop off’ the bottle. This is because the natural rigidity of the material makes it want to return to its original shape. Be sure to ask about adhesive aggressiveness when you select materials.

A professional examining labels for essential oils.

Don’t Forget About FDA Regulations for Essential Oil Labels

There was a period when essential oils were largely ignored by the FDA. That came to an end in 2014 when the FDA sent warning letters to dōTERRA and Young Living, two notable essential oil companies, that their products were in violation of certain labeling regulations. As a result, you should consider whether your products fall under FDA guidelines and what that may mean for your labels.

Whether you consider essential oils to be a household item, cosmetic, food ingredient, or drug, the FDA regulates essential oil products based on the intended use. The FDA weighs a couple of factors to determine a seller’s intentions, including “claims made in the labeling, on websites, and in advertising, as well as what consumers expect it to do.” This means the FDA can have different expectations for label compliance.


If your label makes some form of health claim, the FDA is going to consider your product as a drug even though oils are derived from plants. These claims include indicating your essential oils are meant “for a therapeutic use, such as treating or preventing disease, or to affect the structure or function of the body.” If you make these claims, you’ll need to get FDA approval through the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) before you can legally put them on the market.


Essential oils can also fall under the guidelines for cosmetic products. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) defines cosmetics as a product that is somehow applied to the body for the purpose of “cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance.” That means even something that’s only meant to make you smell nice can be considered a cosmetic.

Essential oil products classified as cosmetics aren’t subjected to the same rigorous reviews as drugs. As a result, you don’t need to clear your products and labels with the FDA before you sell them. However, the FDA does provide a step-by-step labeling guide for cosmetics compliance and can act if a product’s labeling is false or misleading, or doesn’t include the following:

  • The name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor
  • Net quantity of contents
  • A prominent statement of required information in terms that it is easily read and understood by consumers under customary conditions of purchase and use

A Combination of Both or Something Else Entirely

Depending on your scenario, you might have a combination of compliance concerns. For example, if you claim that your essential oils can both cleanse the skin and relax muscles, you’ll need to follow labeling guidelines for both cosmetics and drugs. However, the FDA shouldn’t have reason to classify your essential oils under the same guidelines if you don’t make any such claims.
In addition, the specific plants you use shouldn’t matter too much to the FDA aside from establishing a direct connection between an ingredient and a claim. Despite that, it’s always good to include an ingredients list along with the name and total contents of your product, even if you don’t make any claims.

There’s also one notable ingredient that will require some additional compliance consideration: cannabis. Any essential oils using cannabis extracts will also need to comply with additional regulations, which are documented in our post on cannabis label compliance.

Customize Your Essential Oil Labels to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Whether you sell your essential oils online or offline, the quality of your packaging makes a difference. Your packaging should make your essential oils stand out in a crowd, not blend in with everyone else.

Just because your label is tight on space or you don’t have a big budget doesn’t mean that you should skimp on style. Different label materials and special printing techniques can help your products appeal more to your audience, whether you want to add an eye-catching metallic shine through hot foil stamping or use a matte black stamp to emphasize certain aspects of your design.

Professionals checking a new run of essential oil bottle labels.

Protect Your Label Design Against Oily Contents

A great label is a perfect way to make a good impression on consumers. However, it’s important to take some measures to make sure your label stays great.

A damaged label is a serious issue for your products. One survey found that “58 percent of consumers stated that packaging damage would deter them from buying a product” and can even harm your brand’s reputation. This means that even small scratches pose big problems for businesses.

One potential threat for your essential oil labels is exactly what you’re trying to sell. Oil, along with water and other damaging substances, can wreak havoc on your label. Fortunately, label lamination and materials like waterproof synthetics will help your labels withstand interaction with everyday substances. Lamination also provides scratch resistance, so your designs don’t get scratched off over time. This will help ensure that your packaging looks great long after you apply your labels.

Order the Perfect Labels for Your Essential Oil Bottles

Good packaging is practically essential for making your products stand out from the competition. However, it’s important to work with a good label printing company to make sure your packaging brings out the best in your essential oil labels.

When it’s time to commit to custom essential oil bottle labels, Blue Label Packaging Company is here to help. Our digital printing technology and expertise allows you to invest in high-quality labels with a fast turnaround time of three-to-five days. While creating your essential oil labels, we know you won’t limit yourself to just one scent, so we can print different SKUs of the same product on the same order with variable data printing to avoid costly setups and delays.

Ready to invest in essential oil labels? Contact us today to talk to one of our experts about your labeling needs.

3 Ways to Make Consumers Notice Your Kombucha Labels

More people are looking to buy kombucha every day. Of course, this also means that more businesses want to make their own mark in the kombucha market. In a crowded field, product packaging can be the difference between success and a lack of sales. Here are three kombucha label trends that you can use to promote your products.

Show Off Your Colors (Both Inside and Out)

The natural aspect of kombucha is a major selling point, so don’t be afraid to channel that connection with your product labels. Utilize colors that not only pop, but also mirror the natural side of your kombucha. Full color label printing can help you achieve lush greens, vivacious reds, and other vibrant colors can help attract attention and promote your product at the same time.

The colors on your labels aren’t the only ones that can attract consumers. Clear kombucha labels allow you to show off the contents of your container to the world. Not only can the natural color of your kombucha intrigue consumers, people who like to see what they buy will also enjoy your transparency.

A closeup on a colorful kombucha label.

Showcase the Natural, Healthy Side of Kombucha

A big reason why people choose to buy kombucha is because it’s a better alternative to sugary, unhealthy beverages. Why not reinforce that perception on your label? Be open and honest about everything that goes into your product, especially if you source all-natural ingredients. If you want to be extremely transparent about your kombucha, you can even list the ingredients on the front. You’ll have to include them on the back anyway, so you can help build trust with ingredient-conscious customers by making the contents of your container a main selling point.

Another way kombucha can stand out is through the organic seal. According to Lumina Intelligence, half the kombucha products sold in the U.S. are organic. If that applies to your kombucha, make sure to add the organic seal to your labels. As long as you meet all the requirements for organic labels, that seal can serve as another reason why consumers will choose your products instead of the competition.

There are also other signifiers that can help you promote a healthier product on your label. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) aren’t as strict about companies labeling their products as “natural,” but the word can still help you build that image for your product. You can also include specific health claims on your label if your kombucha qualifies for them via the FDA’s Food Labeling Guide.

An assortment of kombucha labels that show off the contents of their containers.

Use Your Label to Tell a Story

People want to relate to the products they purchase, and storytelling is a good way to help companies create a connection with consumers. According to an exercise conducted by authors Chip and Dan Heath, a group of Stanford University students shared stories that contained different facts to see what information people would retain. Five percent of students remembered specific statistics, while 63 percent remembered the stories the students told.

You don’t need to take up a lot of real estate on your labels to share your story. You can share a short origin story about your business next to the information panel. Is your kombucha part of a family-owned business? Let your consumers know. Have a funny story about how you started making your kombucha? Share it with the world. Storytelling can range from a simple, short sentence to a complex augmented reality labels, so don’t be afraid to use your packaging to promote your story.

Work with the Right Printer to Give Your Kombucha an Edge

A good label design plays a crucial part in selling your product, which is why it’s important to find a label printing company that can do your design justice. Blue Label Packaging Company has the state-of-the-art equipment and experience to make your products stand out among the competition. Contact Blue Label today to talk to our experts about your kombucha labels.

3 Ways to Make Your Cold Brew Labels Succeed

Cold brew is going through a hot spell. The cold brew coffee market is expected to see a combined annual growth rate of more than 27 percent by 2022, it makes quality packaging even more important than ever before.

With a growing market, your cold brew products will need to stick out amid the competition. Here are three ways that you can improve your cold brew labels to help your products succeed.

Make Sure Your Cold Brew Labels Stand Out

One of the first things you need to do is figure out a good labeling solution for your container. For bottles, that means you’ll might consider if you want to use a full-wrap label or a partial wrap with separate pieces for the front and back of your container. You may also want to add a bottleneck label to add some extra flair to your packaging. As for cans, you’ll want to decide how much coverage you want. If you want to add a “second skin” that conforms to the shape of your can, shrink sleeves are a good fit.

In addition to dealing with containers, you’ll need to focus on your design. If you’re looking for an edge to make your labels pop compared to your competition, a little science may help. There are multiple psychological elements that can help you create eye-catching labels, including the following four elements:

  • Font types
  • Layout design
  • Color psychology
  • Visual processing

Another way to help showcase your brand is to promote personality and be different from the typical competitors. Don’t be afraid to showcase your brand in certain light. If you want to position your product as a high-class cold brew, a sophisticated metallic foil or decorative varnish. If you qualify for organic status, consider including the organic seal to attract for environmentally and health conscious customers. Your label tells a story, so make sure your design shares the right message.

The cold brew bottle labels on display.

Make Sure Your Cold Brew Labels Perform Under Pressure

After investing time in making sure your cold brew label looks great, it’s important that they’re made to last as well. There are multiple factors that impact how long labels will last, so, you’ll want to identify any potential issues for your products. For cold brew labels, typical issues include moisture and scratches.

Like many beverages, it’s not uncommon to see cold brew containers in coolers or refrigerators. Whether they’re in direct contact with ice or water or just dealing with condensation, the presence of moisture can distort labels and even cause them to fall off your container. A water-resistant label like a film and an appropriate label adhesive can help your cold brew labels avoid these problems. If you really like the classic look of a paper label – which is quite understandable – you should invest in a material with a higher wet strength. Even the most water-resistant paper label will become fully saturated over time, so you’ll need to weigh the risks of your product’s environment with the rewards of that come with paper labels.

Scuffs and scratches are another potential issue. Surface damage can occur at many points during a product’s journey, from shipping and storage to an accidental fingernail scrape during consumption. Both paper and film labels are susceptible to the dangers of scuffing, so you should consider adding a protective laminate or varnish to help shield your label’s design from damage.

Make Sure Your Cold Brew Labels are Comply with Legal Regulations

As with any other food or beverage product, there are multiple regulations set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that you need to follow to keep your cold brew labels compliant. Certain features, such as “best by” and “sell by” dates, are optional, but there many required elements that you must display on your cold brew labels. These include:

  • Name of the product
  • Name and address of the manufacturer or distributor
  • Net quantity of contents
  • Ingredients list (including allergy-causing foods)
  • Nutrition facts
  • Any health claims

Each of the above requirements comes with specific rules that range from type and font size to specific layout instructions. Those details can be found in the FDA’s food labeling guide.

It’s also important to note that alcoholic cold brews have a whole different set of regulations to follow. If a beverage contains at least 0.5 percent alcohol by volume, it’s regulated by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) instead of the FDA. This means any alcoholic cold brews must display the following information.

  • The name or trade name of the brewer
  • The net contents of the container
  • The nature of the product (such as “beer”)
  • The place of production
  • An official health warning statement that follows the legibility and type rules in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations and reads:
    • GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.

A hand holding a cold brew can with a label.

Nail All Three Areas with the Right Label Printing Company

Once you figure out your design and know what it takes to keep your cold brew labels safe and compliant, you’re almost at the finish line. Now you just need a label printing company to make your labels a reality. Fortunately, we can help with that.

At Blue Label, we have the experts and technology to produce eye-catching beverage labels. We work with you to identify your needs and provide a label solution made specifically for your products. Contact Blue Label today to talk to one of our experts about how we can help your cold brews stand out in a growing market.

Images in this post are provided by Afficionado Coffee Roasters and Olympia Coffee.

E-Juice Label Compliance: 4 Tips to Keep Your Labels in Line with the FDA

It’s important for e-juice labels to look good for your customers, but they’re not the only people you need to consider when it comes to packaging. No matter what you do with your e-juice label design, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only cares about one thing: the law. Here are four ways that you can help make sure your e-juice labels stay compliant with the FDA.

Include the Right Warnings

Your product must include the following warning to comply with FDA guidelines:

  • “WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.”

Please note that the warning you place on your labels should completely match the FDA’s message, down to the capitalization and punctuation. That’s not the only stipulation, either. There are several requirements for this warning.

  • The warning must be located in a “conspicuous and prominent” place on both principal display panels on your package
  • Make up at least 30 percent of the space on each panel
  • Be printed in at least 12-point font size in either Helvetica or Arial bold type or another similar sans serif font
  • Use either black text on a white background or white text on a black background so the warning contrasts with the other printed material on the package

Another potential issue is that some e-juice containers are quite small. If your package is too small to include the warning statement, the FDA will require you to find a way to do so, even if it means adding an outer container like a box or a wrapper that can feature the warning.

An e-juice bottle featuring custom e-juice packaging.

Add Key Product Details

A warning isn’t the only text required on e-juice labels. Like labels for food, the FDA also stipulates that e-juice labels must include other important information as well. These include the following:

  • The name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor
  • The weight, measure, or numerical count of the contents of a container
  • The percentage of both domestically and foreign-grown tobacco used in the product
  • The following statement: “Sale only allowed in the United States”

Don’t Appeal to Children

The FDA isn’t kidding around when it comes to protecting children from nicotine and tobacco products. The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent out official warning letters to e-juice and e-cigarette companies back in 2018 about “labeling and/or advertising that cause [products] to resemble kid-friendly food products, such as juice boxes, candy or cookies, some of them with cartoon-like imagery.”

What the FDA considers as “marketing to children” can vary. Labels made to appear to like beverages or candies for children are considered misleading, with some examples of children even drinking e-juice because of the practice. Product names drawn from recognizable brands or treats are also in danger of drawing the FDA’s attention. Some examples of past offending products include:

  • “One Mad Hit Juice Box”
  • “Vape Heads Sour Smurf Sauce”
  • “V’Nilla Cookies & Milk”
  • “Whip’d Strawberry”
  • “Twirly Pop”

Labels featuring a warning for e-juice label compliance.

Stay Flexible

Even if your labels are currently compliant, it only takes one change to cause future packaging problems. Outdated labels do nothing but hurt your wallet and put you at risk for non-compliance. Fortunately, digital label printing can help you be ready for any necessary label changes.

If you ever need to update your warnings, ingredients, or other information, variable data printing allows you to use technology to manage your various SKUs. This means a single design layout and a variable data spreadsheet allows you to update sections of your labels when FDA regulations change instead of updating every single label design. Digital label printing also allows you to order smaller quantities so you don’t have to commit to a massive order that may burn you in the future when label regulations change.

Stay Compliant with the Right Label Printing Company

Compliance is only one part of the packaging puzzle. The look and performance of your labels play critical roles in the success of your product. For those, you’ll need the right label printing partner to help bring your e-juice labels to life.

At Blue Label, we have the experience and equipment to print the perfect labels for your products. We work directly with you to make sure your e-juice labels are right for your needs and compliance requirements. Contact Blue Label today to talk to us about printing e-juice labels for your products.